Important information
Post Office
A postcard stamp costs 0.60 euro, a letter stamp costs 0.70 euro. The stamps are sold at post offices, news-stands and some hotels.
The timetable of the post offices is from 8 am to 9 pm, on Saturday from 8 am to 3 pm.
It is possible to call and fax from the post office.
Information: Pošta Crne Gore (Montenegro Post Office)
Phone numbers
Country phone code for Serbia and Montenegro is 00381 (+381).
International country phone code for the Slovak republic to call from Montenegro: 00421 (+421).
Telephone boxes (telefonska govornica) can be used for the international and local phone calls and it can be done by means of the subscription phone card Montenegro Card which may be bought at post offices, kiosks, shops, stations and so on. The price is 2 euro (100 impulses), 5 euro (320 impulses) and 7 euro (550 impulses).The telephone boxes are also at post offices.
It is possible to call from almost all the hotels of higher categories, but the price of a phone call is much higher.
The Montenegrin operators are: Monet GSM and Pro Monte GSM and thanks to the roaming of the Slovak operators the tourist can phone from their mobile cellular.
Important numbers
- Police (policija) – 122 (the old one: 92)
- Firer fighting (vatrogasci) – 123 (the old one: 93)
- Health emergency (hitna pomoć) – 124 (the old one: 94)
- Phone information - 1181 (the old one: 988)
- Tourist information - 19797 (the old one: 9797)
Cyber cafes are in all bigger cities of Montenegro. There is also growing number of the hotels providing an Internet connection.